منتديات أبعاد أدبية - عرض مشاركة واحدة - LiFe for ReNt
الموضوع: LiFe for ReNt
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-02-2010, 11:09 PM   #10
خالد حمود
عضو أبعاد أدبية

الصورة الرمزية خالد حمود



 مواضيع العضو

معدل تقييم المستوى: 15

خالد حمود غير متواجد حاليا


I got this from friend of mine
Hey Khalid,
Happy New Year!

Did you achieve what you wanted in 2009?
- Did you find a great partner?
- Is your social life great?
- Are you popular and do you feel loved?
- Did you drop those pounds?
- Did you stop that bad habit?

Most people, unfortunately, didn't achieve their
goals... and there's several reasons for that, which
I'm about to reveal to you.

You can get what you want this year by learning
how to transform those awful New Year's Resolutions
like "Be nicer to people" or "Help others more", for
example, by learning how to master goal setting.

Discover "the how" by continuing to read my article
"Setting SMART Achievable Personal Goals"
Here is a part of the article:

Setting SMART Achievable Personal Goals

Goal-setting is the framework for personal achievement.
It is the backbone of becoming the person you desire to be.
Setting and achieving personal goals will guarantee you success because it is success.
Most people who do set goals have little to no understanding of goal-setting – and as a result,
they fail to become or get what they want. We frequently hear of people’s goals
(I should say “targets”) to find a perfect partner, lose weight, or help people in need.
Many people have targets and few achieve them. Why is this and
what can you do to set yourself apart from the 95 plus
percent of people that do not achieve their poorly set personal goals?
Being an expert in setting and achieving personal goals is the greatest skill you can master.
It ensures you desire something greater than what you have now and take the necessary
steps to attain them. By setting and achieving personal goals you can: communicate effectively,
have the partner you want, have the friends and relationship with your family you want,
look your best, feel great about yourself, no longer have self-imposed limitations
such as poor confidence, and generally become the person you want to be.
A personal goal constructs a pathway for self
development, but doing it correctly builds a superhighway to success.




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